If you loose your heart to the World, exalted station (maqam) of your Lord (RaBB) goes behind the veils and the spiritual air doesn’t blow towards you.
Allah is “Aziz”, and also “Jalil” [1].
No one has authority to demand rights by blaming on destiny.
A shortage in every abundance will appear.
There is a discomfort hidden in every comfort.
Every affliction is the initiator of a favour (beneficence).
Never forget the white while you are with black!..
This is a word that is related to the spiritual realm [2]
Have “adab” [3]!..

[ Prof.Dr.Munir Derman (k.s), A Friend of ALLAH says that, V.1]

[1] AL- ‘AZIZU (J.J) [Qur’an Ref: 59/23] (dhatī)( اَلْعَزِيزُ) : the Victorious
AL- JALILU (J.J) (dhatī)( اَلْجَلِيلُ) : the Mighty

[2] Spiritual realm : Alem-i ma’na: World of the meaning. Ma’na’ MeaNs MeaNing. It is the inner face of something. Inner hearings e.g. notion, thought. Ma’na is the reason/cause(SaBab) for an action to occur.

[3] Adab (A [derivation: ‘aDuBa, to be well-mannered] ; spelling in Turkish: edeb, edep): refined manners, proper conduct, courtesy and respect, self-discipline. In Islam, adab is to act in accordance with the Sunnat-i Rasul (Tradition, moral conduct and etiquette of the Prophet of Allah). Adab is a power (malaka) protecting someone from committing things which will embarrass him in the end. Meaning in sufism: the modes of conduct and discipline of the dervishes toward their spiritual guide (shaykh), toward each other, and toward other people in general.

“Adab is an acquired habit in someone who holds back from ugly behaviors. In other words, he makes himself refined, polite and purified, and he makes his morals agreeable…. This word, in the terminology of the mystic knowers [`ârif-ân], is derived from the noble verse [of the Qur’ân], “And keep to the limits set by God”

wa ‘l-HâfiZûna li-Hudûdi ‘llâh– 9:112]. And “limits” is an expression concerning the Divine commands and prohibitions, which are either required, recommended, forbidden, or disapproved of [by Islamic Law].

Kalbinizi dünyaya kaptırırsanız, Rabbinizin yüce makamı perdeler arkasına girer, ruhanî hava tarafınıza esmez.
ALLAH hem Azîz, hem de Celîldir.
Hiç kimsenin kadere yüklenerek hak taleb etmeğe yetkisi yoktur.
Her genişliğin bir sıkıntısı çıkar.
Her ferahlıkta bir darlık saklıdır.
Her belâ bir iyiliğin öncüsüdür.
Siyahla olduğunuz zaman katiyyen beyazı unutmayınız!..
Bu mânâ âlemi ile ilgili bir sözdür.
Edebli olunuz!..



Turn the mind towards the heart (qalb), make the heart secret (sirr), transmit the secret (sirr) to nothingness , turn the nothingness to existence…
Then look at your self.
Work, do not make effort to torment anybody.
Nurture good intentions for everyone!
However, if something will be done for the good of community then do that too, don’t hold off, this is considered to be the worship (ibadat).
[ Prof.Dr.Munir Derman (k.s), A Friend of ALLAH says that, V.1]

Aklı kalbe çevir, kalbi sır yap, sırrı yokluğa ilet, yokluğu varlığa çevir…
Ondan sonra kendini bir seyret bakalım.
Çalış, hiç kimseye eziyet için gayret etme!
Herkese iyi niyet besle!
Ancak, cemiyetin düzeni için bir şey yapılacaksa onu da yap, geri durma, bu ibâdet sayılır.

[Prof.Dr.Munir Derman (k.s)]



Lime is the stone,
Water is the water.
But water dissolves it,
Water is soft,
Stone is hard,
You too should become soft.
Hard ones will kneel down in front of you sooner or later.
Patience is the trick of the one having no trick.
Be patient….
[Prof.Dr.Munir Derman (k.s)]

Kireç taştır,
Su da sudûr,
Fakat su onu eritir,
Su yumuşaktır,
Taş serttir,
Sen de yumuşak ol.
Sertler, geç de olsa önünde diz çöker.
Sabır, hilesi olmayanın hilesidir.
Sabırlı ol….
[Prof.Dr.Munir Derman (k.s)]



The one who is not able to sense the inner worlds of the people and some of their states with the TRUTH (HAQQ), can not show reverence to them…
[Prof.Dr.Munir Derman (k.s), A friend of Allah says that, Volume I ]

İnsanların iç âlemlerini, HAKK ile olan bazı hâllerini sezmeyen onlara hürmet edemez…
[Prof.Dr.Münir Derman (k.s), Allah Dostu Der ki, C.I]



The world is the veil to the hereafter (ahirat).
And plunging into the hereafter (ahirat) is the veil to the world and the Owner of the other world.
Being engrossed in the creation separates (us) from the Creator.
Whatever creation you lose your heart to, you will have curtain off from your spirit window…

[Prof.Dr.Munir Derman (k.s), A friend of Allah says that, Volume I ]

Dünya âhirete perdedir.
Âhirete dalmak ise dünya ve öbür âlemin Sahibine perdedir.
Yaradılmışlara dalmak, Yaratan’dan ayırır.
Hangi yaratığa gönül kaptırırsan ruh pencerene perde çekmiş olursun

[Prof.Dr.Münir Derman (k.s), Allah Dostu Der ki, C.I]



They say “Heart”. What is this?
Heart is the name of getting connected to the One who is the Truth.
Don’t forget that!..
Contemplate on this . What do we mean?
Don’t think that you understood it straight away!..
To ask from Allah with that heart becomes the biggest worship. Continue reading “THEY SAY HEART”



Crying is the worship (ibadat).
Beware of it! Crying is the state of intensity (peak point) in showing humility towards the TRUTH (HAQQ).
[Prof.Dr.Munir Derman (k.s), A friend of Allah says that, Volume I ]

Ağlamak, ibâdettir.
Ağlamak, dikkat buyurun, HAKK’a karşı tevazu’ göstermenin şiddet hâlidir.

[Prof.Dr.Münir Derman (k.s), Allah Dostu Der ki, C.I]



“The one, who becomes friends with the cloud, doesn’t need water from the watergivers…”
[Prof.Dr.Munir Derman (k.s), A friend of ALLAH says that, Volume II]

“Bulutla arkadaş olanın sakîlerın suyuna ihtiyacı yoktur…”
[Prof.Dr.Münir Derman (k.s), Allah Dostu Der ki, Cilt II]



Woe to that human being whose fire of faith has burned out.
He was born in the house of Allah (Ka’abah) and died in the house of idols…

Yazık o insana ki içindeki îmân ateşi sönmüştür.
Kâbe’de doğup puthanede ölmüştür….

[Prof.Dr.Münir Derman (k.s), Allah Dostu Der ki I ]



Evil word is similar to a wild plant, it even grows without watering…
Good word is like a flower, it demands to be taken care of meticulously.

Kötü söz, yabani ota benzer, sulamadan’da biter…
İyi söz, çiçek gibidir, çok itina ile bakılmak ister.

[Prof.Dr.Münir Derman (k.s), Allah Dostu Der ki I ]