1. sayfa (Toplam 1 sayfa)


Gönderilme zamanı: 25 May 2012, 16:21
gönderen Gariban


All worship (ibadats) and obedience (Taats [1]) are for pleasing our Master Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
So that Rasulullah will be proud of us in the presence of God (Hudhur-i Ilahi).
Rabiatu’l-Adawiyya is one of the famous female friends of Allah.
Allah had given her such a beautiful cream that although she had come to her 80s her face was as fresh as it was at fourteen. That blessed (mubaraq) woman. The books coming to today from that period is reporting this. She is journeying from Baghdad to Kaaba on foot in her eighties…84 years old woman with an illuminated (NuR) face…She is making tawaf (circumambulating) around the Kaaba (The house of Allah in Mecca). She is going to the Sacred Grave (Kabr-I sharif), “Rawdha-i Mutahhara” of Our Master Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. There are pilgrims amongst you whose eyes have seen there, and lightning is striking through their eyes. I see this.
Don't underestimate the pilgrim!
Poor man , he is in his 60, 65, 70 or 80s and he has tension (high blood pressure) and other health problems, but the love within him is causing him to go.

“Oh such and such man sold his land and (used this money) to go (to Hajj)!”
Rich Sir (Efendi), you have got so many ready lands, you go then if you have the guts! It is not everyone's gain!
A 70 year old man will journey from here by a bus, trembling along the way.
It is not everyone's gain! I can not go in this age, I would die on the way, it is not an easy work.
They want (him) from there my son, they want (him) from there!

“Now, Haji Efendi went there and brought a cassette player from there!”

And you too go to Europe and bring a fur coat with you!
Of course he will bring it. Yaa Haji Efendi brings the cassette prayer here to record our voice. These are not …..
This blessed woman went to Rawdha, sat and lifted her hands up for prayer (dua):

“Ya Rasulullah, I walked here, visited Kaaba and also came to your presence now, I would like to make a dua, may you listen to me!” said she.
“Ya Rasulullah, I’ve fasted for 40 years, 40 years consistently, except for 5 days”.
“I've prayed the morning prayer (fajr) by the ablution of evening prayer (maghrib) for 40 years, that means I have not slept!”
said she.
“I've done 300 cycles (rakat) of prayer beside my daily prayers” said she.
“I haven't done these because of the fear of Hell (jahannam), Ya Rasulullah! Because I know you are behind me. I've not done these to enter in to the Garden (Jannat) either!” said she.
“Your blessed face is enough for me” said she.
"Do you know why I have done these?” asked she.

Now reverend (aziz) jamaat, lets stop here a moment!
Lets assume that all the ayats in the Qur’an, hadith al-kudthis, all hadiths (words ) of Rasulullah are oranges, go and squeeze them in a press then they turn in to a very nice syrup , don't they?
Boil this syrup, boil, boil, boil and there will be a finger thick extract at the bottom of it.
Now she too had said that extract there.
That means all our worship, all our loving of each other, all our reverence to each other, all our aid to the poor, kissing the hand of the elderly ones, patting the orphans, our fastings mastings all of them are included within this glass!

“Do you know why I did these Ya Rasulullah?” asked she.
“Tomorrow, you will be in the position of “Müdde-yi umumi (Public Prosecutor) [2]” on the gathering day (ruz-u mahshar)” said she.
“For all nations (ummats): Oh Lord (Ya Rabb), this one acted without adab, that one committed against (Your commands) but”

The Judge wants to charge and Public Prosecutor makes effort to save, doesn't he? The prosecutor.
Now there: “Oh Lord it was like this, like that” “Nooo!”, “It was like that”
“while the court is progressing in this way, you will need models, you will need exemplars Oh Rasulullah!” said she.
“I can be one of those models, one of those exemplars!” said she.
“I have done these so that You would say Oh Lord (Ya Rabb) there is a woman from my people (ummat), and she has done such and such things and you would be proud” said she.

That is why, all our worship (ibadat) and all our things we do, after Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam becomes the intercessor (doing shafaat) in front of us, we are struggling to please Rasulullah in the presence of ALLAH.
That is why,
recite Salawat-i Sharifaaaa [3]!
Do not look down on anyooone!
Do not be arrogaaant!
An arif [4] comes out of an ant, you can't seeeee!
Most difficult thing in the world is the people to be able to love each other.
People love each other for ALLAH. Don't look down on anyoooone!

Prof.Dr.Munir Derman (k.s)

[Excerpted from the voice Records of Prof.Dr.Munir Derman (k.s), Record No:MD-93 ]



[1] Taat: To do worship (ibadat). Carrying out the commands of Allah (J.J). To obey.

[2] Müdde-yi umumî : An adjective in Ottoman Turkish language. It means “Public Prosecutor”. The government official who, has finished the school of law, is found to be ready in the court in charge in order to defend the common rights of the public. The person who is in judicial executive level working for the ministry of justice as a representative to represent the executive force. Prosecutor.

[3] Salawat-i Sharifa: (Noble Salawat):

Salawat is the prayer (dua) of a muslim servant wishing for having access and transmission to the belief, acts (amal), ahlaq (Moral, Conduct or Ethics. The practice of virtue) and spiritual states (hal) of Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam from Allah jalla jalaluhu. Salawats are means and causes for the submission access,“SELL”, and the directional access, “SALL” by Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, in the submission and direction of the commands of the Qur’an saying “Submit yourselves, believe in, follow and  obey Allah and Rasul”. Salawat is to Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam and Salat is to Allahu Dhul Jalal. Salawat in Tasawwuf is done to establish connection to Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. Shortest  salawat is “Allahumma salli alâ Muhammad: Oh my Allah, transmit me-my soul (nafs) to MuhaMMad and qualify me with his qualities”.
An example verse from the Qur’an having the term “Salawat” in it:

أُولَئِكَ عَلَيْهِمْ صَلَوَاتٌ مِّن رَّبِّهِمْ وَرَحْمَةٌ وَأُولَئِكَ هُمُ الْمُهْتَدُونَ
 '”Ūlā'ika `Alayhim Şalawātun Min Rabbihim Wa Raĥmatun Wa 'Ūlā'ika Humu Al-Muhtadūna:
Those are they on whom are Salawat and Mercy (Rahmat) from  their Lord (Rabb), and such are the rightly guided.” [ Qur’an, Al-Baqara, (2/157)

[4] Arif: The knower, the wise. The one who reaches to the secret of "the one who knows (becomes aarif to) his self (nafs), and knows his Rabb (Lord)". “ARIF is the one understanding the TRUTH (HAQQ) and GOOD (HAYR)!.” (kulihvani) 


Zaten bütün ibadatlar bütün taatlar, Rasûlullah sallallahu aleyhi ve sellem Efendimizi memnun etmek içindir.
“Huzur-u İlahîde iftihar etsin Resûlullah!” diye.
Rabiatü’l- Adviyye meşhur velî kadınlardan.
Seksen küsur yaşına gelmiş yüzü, ALLAH ona öyle bir krem hediye etmiş ki,
Zamanından bu güne kadar gelen kitaplar yazıyor bunu, 14 yaşındaki teravetini kaybetmemiş bu mübarek kadın.
Seksen küsur yaşında Bagdattan kalkıyor, KÂbeye gidiyor yürüyerek.. 84 yaşında nur yüzlü.. KÂbeyi tavaf ediyor Rasûlullah sallallahu aleyhi ve sellem Efendimizin Kabr-i Şerifini Ravza-yı Mutahharayı ziyarete gidiyor.
İçinizde orayı gören gözlerinden böööyle şimşek çakan hacılar var görüyorum.
Hacı deyip de geçme! 60, 70, 65, 80 yaşında adamcağızın tansiyonu var bilmem nesi var fakat içindeki aşk şey ediyor.
“Efendim, herif tarlasını sattı da gitti!”

Zengin efendi senin tarlan hepisi hazır sen gitsen ya sıkımı hadi git!!.
Her babayiğidin kârı değildir 70 yaşında bir ihtiyar buradan otobüsnen “tangır!.. tangır! tangır!”
Her babayiğit değil ben gidemem bu yaşta, yolda ölürüm, kolay iş değil..
Oradan istiyorlar oğlum, oradan istiyorlar!
“Efendim, Hacı Efendi gitti ordan teyb getirdi!..”
Sen de Avrupaya gidip kürk getiriyorsun!
Getirir yaa Hacı Efendi teyb getirir burada bizim sesimiz alacak. Bunlar lakırtı değil.
Bu mübarek kadın, Ravzaya gitmiş oturmuş, kaldırmış ellerini:
“Yâ Resûlullah ben yürüyerek geldim buraya Kâbeyi de ziyaret ettim, senin huzuruna da geldim, be bi dua edeceğim beni dinleyiver!” demiş.
“Ben demiş Yâ Resûlullaaaaah! 40 sene, 40 sene, senede 5 gün müstesna mütemadiyen oruç tuttum” demiş
“40 sene akşam namazının abdestiyle sabah namazı kıldım, yani uyumadım!” demiş.
“günde namazlarımdan başka 300 rekat namaz kıldım” demiş.
“Ben bunları demiş cehennemden korktuğum için değil Yâ Resûlullaaaah! Çünkü arkamda sen varsın! Cennete girerim şeyi ile de değil! ” demiş.
“Senin mübarek yüzün vardır bana kâfidir” demiş.

“Ben bunları niye yaptım biliyor musun?” demiş.
Şimdi aziz cemaat burada bir durun!
Bütün âyet-i kerimeleri bütün hadis-i kudsîleri, bütün Resûlullahın hadislerini portakal farzedin, preste sıkın onları bir bardak güzeeel şurub olur değil mi?
Bu şurubu kaynatın, kaynatın, kaynatın, kaynatın dibinde 1 parmak hülasası olur.
Bunun hülasasını söylemiş o da..
Yani bütün ibadatımız, bütün birbirimizi sevmemiz, birbirimize karşı hürmetimiz, fakirlere yardımımız, büyüklerin elini öpmemiz, yetimleri okşamamız, ibadatımız, orucumuz, morucumuz, hepisi bu bardağın içinde dahil!
“Ben bunları niye yaptım biliyor musun Yâ Resûlullah? ” demiş.
“Yarın ruz-u mahşerde, sen müdde-yi umumî makamındasın” demiş
“Bütün ümmetleri: “Yâ Rabbi bu edebsizlik yaptı ama”
Hakim bindirmeğe çalışır, müdde-yi umumî de kurtarmaya çalışır değil mi, savcı..
Orada işte: “Yâ Rabbi şöyleyidi” “Höööttt!” “böyleyidi” o ordan böyle aynen mahkeme olurken sana misal lazım! ” demiş. “müdafaa ederken misal lazım! ” demiş.
“Bende bu misallardan biri olabilirim! ” demiş.
“Yâ Rabbi! Dersin Senini kullarından, benim ümmetimden şöyle bir kadın var “şöyle, şöyle, şöyle, şöyle yaptı da, sen iftihar edesin diye yapıyorum! ” demiş.

Onun için bütün ibadatımız, bütün şeyimiz Resûlullah önümüzde şefaatçı olduktan sonra biz Resûlullahı, ALLAHın huzurunda memnun etmek için uğraşıyoruz.
Onun için salavat-ı şerife getiiir!
Kimseyi hor görmeee! Kibirli olmaaaa!
Karıncanın içinden bir ârif çıkar belli olmaaaz!
Dünyada en güç şey insanların bribirini sevebilmesidir.
İnsan birbirini ALLAH için sever. Kimseyi hor görmeee!

[Prof.Dr.Munir Derman (k.s), MD-93 Ses kaydindan alintidir]