M harfi ile ilgili KELİMElerin AÇılımları;
Muhabbat: It comes from the word الحب in Arabic pronounced as „Al-Habb“ meaning „Love“. The Truth of Muhabbat in Tasawwuf is to give your everything to the Beloved and not to leave anything within you for yourself.
Murshid: Murshid is to bring someone to Rushd(maturity). Murshid shows the right way to the seeker. A murshid introduces and desribes the Sirat-i Mustaqim (Right Path) to the seeker of right(Haq) and Truth(Haqiqat) by means of his Quranic and Islamic works and speech, and by keeping the seeker’s mind and heart awake and away from the heedlessness until he reaches the Salamat , He will be doing ‘irshad’
Mana (Ma’Na’): Mana: Ma’na’ MeaNs MeaNing. It is the inner face of something. Inner hearings e.g. notion, thought. Ma’na is the reason/cause(SaBaB) for an action to occur.
MAIN attribute of servanthood(Abdiyyat) for every thing and every soul (Nafs), is His Poority(FAQRiyyat)-Inability (AJZiyyat)- Abasement(DhiLLat) –Causality/Illness(ILLat)..
MaLâMat: It is a square(meydan) where all sufi orders(tariqats) lead to.